A simple vision: Allow incarcerated individuals the opportunity to be released from destructive behavior and lifestyles. The comprehensive mission: take each inmate, give them a mentor who is affiliated with a faith based organization, who will love and keep them accountable as they create a new identity. Provide a Master’s level counselor intern who will address the anger, guilt and fear associated with a past life of abandonment and traumatic events. While incarcerated, provide the opportunity for job training while encouraging them to complete their high school equivalency degree, let them know that the certificate will be a means to employment. Have a plan to continue training after release. Give group support and education while incarcerated, with a plan for the same when released. Provide a safe environment in which to achieve these goals, transitional housing, a non-threatening place in the community where they can practice their new skills with their children. Allow them to learn basic life skills together, with their mentor by their side.
Program Description
Pathways For Change, in collaboration with the Escambia Sheriff’s Office; Troy State University; University of West Florida; Florida State University; Escambia County Court System; City of Pensacola, Enterprise Zone; State of Florida, Vocational Rehabilitation; EscaRosa Career Center; CMEDA, Christian Multi-Cultural Economic Development Alliance; FavorHouse, Domestic violence awareness; George Stone Vocational Training Center; Pensacola Junior College, GED/Tutoring; NWF Legal Services; Loaves and Fishes Transitional Housing; and Grace House Transitional Housing plans to mentor incarcerated men and women in a six month “in-house” addictions treatment program with a twelve month supervised transition program that includes:
While Incarcerated
- A Mentor for each resident, beginning the relationship while incarcerated, and then continuing up to one year while they are in transition, with a case management plan
- Addictions Treatment, a “Therapeutic Community”, in a separate, faith-based dorm, where every moment of the day has purpose
- The opportunity for GED tutoring and Vocational Training, with encouragement from mentors
- A Master’s level counselor intern for each resident for individual and group mental health counseling as well as instruction in “right living” Weekly schedule ( .pdf )
After Release
- Transitional Housing whereby the “graduate” can continue with educational, and vocational goals and “clean living” in a supportive environment
- A Case Manager and a Mentor who will assist them in their case plan while in transition. Attending meetings with the resident, assisting the resident with homework as well as attending the “field trips” planned with the resident’s family members and the other PFC residents
- Continue individual and group therapy, AA/NA and other faith based programs that will prevent relapse.
Pathways For Change • 1211 West Fairfield Dr. • Pensacola, Florida 32501 • (850) 202-0028