Baptist Hospital
Bariatric Center

1717 North “E” St., Tower III
Pensacola, Florida 32501
(850) 469-5810

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on at 5:30pm


"I have developed a lot of self confidence, increased self-esteem, increased energy levels, I am more aware of my food choices, I've become more positive. Recently I changed my job of 5 1/2 years to start a new, more rewarding job helping others. I don't think I would have made this change a year ago." - E.

"I have more energy and stamina. I have much more self-esteem. I have a much brighter outlook on life. I don't catch people whispering and laughing in secret about me. I can bend over and tie my shoes without gasping for breath. I am much more flexible when moving around. I don't have as much pain in my feet, legs and back as I used to. I don't get heat rashes in my groin area like I used to...I really enjoy shopping for clothes to fit the new me, the smaller me, not the bigger and bigger me. Oh yeah, I just remembered that I'm crossing my legs as I'm writing this and I don't have to keep putting my leg back on top of the other one because of sliding off." - B.T.

"...weight loss surgery saved my LIFE."

"The surgery has allowed me to live life instead of just existing. I can now do the activities that matter to me and not just go to work and go home." - S. M.

"Three years after surgery, I can do anything I want to do. I spend hours gardening every week. [I] spend weekends with my grandchildren, playing baseball, football, swinging and doing things I didn't think I could ever do again. Surgery has definitely changed my life. It's the best thing I have ever done for myself and my health has benefited greatly." - M.J.

"Before the surgery my knees throbbed at night - could not sleep - could not keep up with my two sons ages 5 and 8 and a full time job. Now I have the energy to work a 65-70 work week plus be a full time energetic mother of two boys. I'm very active with them when I'm off from my job. I love to shop for clothes now where as before I had no desire. Fashion is now in my vocabulary. My kids have gone from calling me Big Mama to Sexy Woman. Boy that makes you feel great. The procedure is rough but being overweight and depressed is 1000 times worse. Thank you, the thin me is now alive." - S.T.

"I will share that fact that weight loss surgery saved my LIFE. My quality of life before was virtually nonexistent. Co-morbids include high blood pressure, sleep apnea, lymphadema, acid reflux, and about $100 monthly in co-pays at pharmacies. All of these issues are gone now. No [more] meds. [The] pharmacist doesn't even know me by first name anymore." - J.B.

"Having the surgery has really improved my life. I spent so much time being overweight. I tried every diet you can imaging. Dr. Nye is the best. I had never had any kind of surgery before. He made me very comfortable about everything. I haven't had any complications. I'm off all my medications for depression and high blood pressure. It has really improved my quality of life." - P.R.



" I know what it's like to be a young beautiful woman."

"I struggled with my weight for years. I tried so many diets while continuing a very hectic work schedule. I exercised. I did everything except lose weight. It was SO discouraging as the weight continued to slowly come on. I felt bad about myself and avoided pictures or overly outgoing activities. The last straw was when I was diagnosed with diabetes. My eyes felt like they would explode! My joints ached. My back hurt. My feet hurt so bad that walking up and down my 3 story house was torture! I saw my dad die as a result of diabetes and its effects, and I decided it was better to do this than to die young as he did. Now, I'm healthy and happy and active. I am so grateful for how this surgery has saved my life." - E.B.

"More energy. Feel better about self image. Clothes! Control over food - never had before surgery. Best thing I have ever done for ME! Listen to Dr. Nye and the Bariatric Center staff." - B.L.

"My main goal was to achieve a better level of health going into my 50's. I had health problems and concerns that have been corrected by having lost the weight I had carried. No more high blood pressure. No more sleep apnea, no more stress incontenance...That has had a great impact on my present and my future. I look forward to healthy "Golden" Years!" - K.P.

"My name is Ken. I feel great that I had bypass surgery on Aug. 17, 2004. I weighed 650lbs. Now it is Jan. 26, 2006. I now weigh 391lbs. It's unbelievable just how much I've changed. It's been very easy and very pleasing. The best thing is I'm proud of myself and I feel better now than I've felt in about 10 years. Well I'm 39 years old now and my life has really just started. I'm thankful to God for blessing me with good doctors and specialists. Well I hope this will encourage you...God Bless." - K.P.

"I had surgery May 2004. I was taking four to five shots of insulin a day plus two diabetic medicines, and two blood pressure meds. I am only on one diabetic medication and one blood pressure med now. My overall outlook on life has changed. I have energy that I haven't had before. I am generally happier with life in general." - S.M.

"...I'm 39 years old now and my life has really just started."

"Before my surgery, I had decided that I would become "one of those fat old ladies" who laid on the couch all day and rarely ever moved. Not today - my family went to Disney World for Christmas and I out-walked my whole family. I used to tell people, if someone gave me free tickets to Disney World, I would give them away. I actually paid for them in December. I am a new woman and feel better than I have in years. I want to go, go, go now. Oh yeah, and shop." - D.S.

"My confidence has soared. My back and hips don't hurt like they used to. My plantar fasciitis is gone and I have no trouble walking anymore. I can look forward without the dread of impending blood pressure and diabetes hanging over my head. Thank you!" - C.Y.


"Before the surgery, I had no energy, everything seemed to be a chore, getting up, shopping, fishing, it all seemed to take too much effort. I had no confidence that this would change no matter how hard I worked at it. Once I had the surgery everything changed. My outlook improved and I was able to see results from my efforts. I would highly recommend this procedure for anyone not willing to give up on improving their life." - L.J.

"I feel now that I am more complete in my life. Even though the weight difference is great, the ability to do the simple things, tie my shoes, bend over and still breathe, sit down in a chair and have room. Not having embarrassment about how I look. Being able to purchase clothes in the normal area. I highly recommend the surgery and would do it again."- Anon

"I cannot remember one day in my life that I did not wake up and say to myself, what am I going to do today to lose this weight. Everyday it was an obsession that was ruining my life. I have never had a day that I didn't feel guilty about what I was eating. The weight was controlling everything. I did not feel like a person that was in control. My body did not belong to me inside! I have stopped smoking (9 years ago), raised two children alone, got out of an abusive marriage and married a great man. But I could not overcome my weight. This surgery was a last option for me. I needed this too! I don't even think about my weight anymore. I feel great, and I feel I have come full circle on the way to being the woman that I was meant to be!" - A.L.

"The surgery has given me a new lease on life. I have the energy to play with my grandchildren. I don't have to take insulin shots anymore and my blood pressure is under control...It's the best thing I have ever done besides marry my husband!" - F.M.

"Deciding to have the surgery was a choice I am happy I made. I was 301 pounds on the day of my surgery. Two years removed, I have lost over 100 pounds and am healthier now than I have ever been. At 32 years of age, I have a confident outlook for my future. If you are considering Gastric By-pass, take the time to understand everything that goes with it. It will change your life, and you will have to make adjustments. But if you prepare for it, then I am confident that you'll have the same success that I have had." - C.I.

"I weighed 320 pounds before I had the weight loss surgery. I was 21 years old and my life was miserable. I couldn't climb stairs, fit into normal bathroom stalls or chairs with arm rests. I was depressed and tired all the time. Since the surgery I have lost 160 pounds and my life is 210% better than before. I'm active now, I have friends, I got a great job, I'm more confident and now I know what it's like to be a young beautiful woman. Thank you Dr. Nye (and staff)!" :) - S.P.

"To those just having surgery - It gets better! Be patient, this is a life changing process. We tend to be very hard on ourselves - you will be a success. It takes time to develop your eating strategy. If you're considering bariatric surgery, be patient. Everything has to come together but then it's surgery day. Make a commitment to you!" - D.G.

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