Lakeview Center

DUI Program  

 DUI Program Courses

This DUI Program is operated by Lakeview Center, Inc. and is licensed by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). The DUI Program provides substance abuse courses to DUI offenders or others who may be required to attend a DUI program by DHSMV or the court. This includes those who must attend a DUI program as a requirement of administrative driver license suspension and those who wish to enroll after arrest but prior to conviction for DUI. All instructors, evaluators and clinical supervisors are certified by DHSMV. Participation in the DUI Program includes both a course and a substance abuse evaluation. All fees are set or are approved by DHSMV. In order to attend the Lakeview Center, Inc. DUI program, you must live, work or attend school in Escambia or Santa Rosa County. Clients who do not meet this residency requirement may attend this DUI Program with written permission a neighboring program or jurisdiction.

Anyone who appears for registration or participation in any DUI program event and is perceived as having consumed or is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or who is disruptive will be expelled from the DUI Program and required to pay full fee to re-enroll. An alcohol breath test or urinalysis may be requested.


Clients who have been arrested for a DUI or like charge for the first time will attend the Level I course. DUI clients who have had more than one DUI arrest during their lifetime or have attended a DUI Program at any time, regardless of location, must attend the Level II course. Clients who attend the Level I course when they are required to attend the Level II course will not be given credit or a refund and they will be required to complete and pay for the entire Level II course. All fees are due at the time of registration and there is no refund for services once rendered.


In order to complete the DUI program and receive a completion certificate, you must complete all classes and the evaluation. You must be alert, participate in class discussions and complete all class and homework assignments, you must attend all classes in their scheduled sequence and you must be on time for each class and the evaluation. If you arrive for class after the roll is taken or if you are 15 minutes late to your evaluation then you will be reassigned and required to pay the reassignment fee. If a class or the evaluation is missed then you must request reassignment and pay the fee for reassignment. However, if you must reschedule you may avoid being assessed a reassignment fee by notifying the DUI program five business days in advance of the event you intend to miss (limit 2 reschedules within 90 days of enrollment). If there is an emergency, (illness requiring hospitalization, death or illness in immediate family or natural disaster) that leads to missing a DUI event, then contact the DUI program within 48 hours after the class or evaluation with documentation of the emergency and you may be reassigned without fee. All other DUI event reassignments will result in your being charged the applicable reassignment fee.

All classes and the evaluation must be completed within ninety (90) days of enrollment. Failure to meet this deadline will result in re-enrollment with repayment of the full fee.

Course Description          More DUI Program Course Information
Classes will cover such topics as the law, the effects of alcohol and other drugs on the body and their relationship to the driving task, social and problem drinking patterns and personal action strategies to help you avoid future DUI situations.

The class format consists of lectures, discussion, videos and homework assignments. You are required to remain in class for the scheduled time, but breaks are provided. The Level I course is a 12-hour course and Level II is a 21-hour course. Bring pencil and note paper to all classes. No guests are allowed in class unless previously approved for the purpose of addressing special accommodations. All DUI Program activities are wheelchair accessible. Smoking is not allowed in the building and food or drink is not allowed in the classroom.
DUI Program Course Fees


All clients must attend a substance abuse evaluation by a DHSMV certified evaluator as part of the program. This is a unique evaluation, different than one would receive from a physician, psychologist or counselor.  It is a standardized process that reviews the substance use/abuse and other lifestyle issues across ones entire life in order to identify risk factors for DUI behavior or substance abuse problem. The outcome of the evaluation may require you to attend substance abuse treatment. The evaluation takes about one hour. Failure to participate fully in the evaluation may lead to dismissal and reassignment, with the associated reassignment fee.


Referral To Substance Abuse Treatment

Clients are referred to substance abuse treatment to further support their ability to avoid drug or alcohol related problems. It is not intended to be punishment. If you are referred to substance abuse treatment, then actual completion of the DUI Program extends until you complete the individualized treatment plan you develop with the treatment provider you chose.  If required to complete substance abuse treatment you will choose from a list of local treatment providers where this requirement can be accomplished. You may chose a treatment provider who is most convenient for you on the basis of cost, location or other factors, however you are responsible for all fees incurred in treatment. If after you chose a treatment provider, you need to make a different choice, you will need to provide an explanation to the DUI Program and complete the appropriate Treatment Referral &/or Documentation Form (HSMV 77005) to the new provider. Compliance with treatment referral is mandated and failure to complete treatment may result in a delay in driver license reinstatement or cancellation of any driver license you may have received from the DHSMV.


Client Grievance Process

Clients who feel they have been abused, neglected or mistreated in any manner by any staff member or by the operation of this program may gain access to the grievance process. The process begins by bringing the complaint to the attention of an instructor, evaluator, office manager or the DUI Program Director orally or in writing. Additionally, you have the right to appeal your evaluator's decision of treatment referral to the Judge who originally sentenced you in your DUI case. An appeal of the evaluator?s decision involves scheduling a second evaluation at a different agency, at your expense as directed by the Judge, and a finial decision by the Judge who will review both evaluations.


Completion Certificates

You will be provided a certificate of DUI School completion once you have completed both the DUI course and evaluation.  If you are required to participate in substance abuse treatment, then it will be indicated on your certificate and the certificate is good as long as you follow through to complete any required treatment. Failure to complete required counseling will invalidate your certificate, through our notice of non-compliance to DHSMV, and require that you return to the DUI Program to confirm a return to compliance with the required treatment. Failure to complete required substance abuse treatment may lead to the cancellation of any driver license you have obtained and prevent you from gaining a driver license from DHSMV until you comply.



In the event that a client notifies us that they are moving outside our jurisdiction (Escambia or Santa Rosa Counties) or have a legitimate need to attend a neighboring program, this DUI Program will initiate a transfer to support the client?s completion of DUI program services.



All information provided to the DUI Program is protected by Federal Law. Federal Regulations (42 CFR Part 2) prohibits us from making any disclosure without the specific written consent of the person to whom it pertains unless the disclosure is allowed by court order; or the disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency; or to qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation; or the client commits or threatens to commit a crime at the program or against any person who works for the program. We will request your written permission to notify the Court, the probation office and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of your completion/non-completion status during the registration process. We will also request your written permission to contact someone you choose in the event of an emergency while you are in attendance at the program. Permission to disclose can be rescinded with a written request except to the probation office and to the extent that the information was released prior to a notice to rescind this permission.

~Download complete DUI Program Packet

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